Our latest record “Go.Do” is now available on Bandcamp

Our latest single is a super psychedelic cover of Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love”. Now available on Bandcamp. Enjoy!https://rubberclowncar.bandcamp.com/track/whole-lotta-love.
Penny For Your Thoughts video
Penny For Your Thoughts by Rubber Clowncar
Fantastic video done by our friend Mike. Check out all his creative work:
Our new single “Penny For Your Thoughts” is available now on Bandcamp!
Country meets PowerPop meets the Beatles
Our latest record “Go.Do.” featuring the singles “Everything to Everyone” and “What If” is now available on Spotify
Artwork by the ever amazing @logospilgrim
Our new record “Go.Do” will be available on Bandcamp on Friday 5/28/21. Be sure to get your copy! It features super cool Original artwork by the amazing Logospilgrim www.logospilgrim.com
Songs for our new psychedelic record (working title “Horse Logic”) are coming along slowly but surely. They are dancing like no ones watching lol..,..
Work continues on our psychedelic record. We’ve got about 8 songs in the works. Still working on lyrics, otherwise we’re going to end up with 17 instrumentals 😊🎶
Still not too late to submit spoken word, singing, shouting, mumbling or what have you to dprysby@sbcglobal.net
Look for our music on Disc Jockey Global right here:
Rubber Clown Car on Disc Jockey Global
Our latest record “Slave to the Algorithm” (featuring artwork by Lauren Wright @dandyserenity on Twitter) ….
See more of Lauren’s work here
…is now available on Bandcamp. Proceeds from the sale of this record go to help KB Radio (@kbradio_thp on Twitter) rebuild their studio that was destroyed. So buy it on Bandcamp please.
Donate to KB Radio’s rebuild fund here:
KB Radio Website
Thanks and we hope you enjoy the new music
Dirk, Tony and Fred (RCC)