So This is How it Ends

This track was written (lyrics & music) by Tony.  Both he & Fred play guitar so that always helps get song ideas across ( Tony’s primary roles in RCC are bass & keyboards).  This song deals with a regretful breakup (true story here Tony?).  

We made friends with a great guitar player from California named Jimmy Packes (@axxepackes on Twitter).  When we were in the early stages of writing this record we asked him if he would play on one of the tracks and he was generous enough to do so. We do love working with creative people in any medium.  After Tony had written this particular song e suggested it might be perfect for Jimmy to play on.  And (as he so often is) Tony was right.  Jimmy’s playing took the song to another level.  Really liked how it turned out and we’ll see if he’ll do it again sometime. Thanks Jimmy!

That wraps up this record.  We’ll be telling you the stories behind the rest of our records as we go along. Stay tuned .  

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